Pep session basketball musical chairs

Pep session scooter races.

Pep session for students collecting canned goods for a good cause. Fun was had by all!

Student council Christmas party games!!

GMS Student Council raised $800 for the Yes Home through their Nothing Bundt Cakes Fundraisers!

Reminder GMS homework help is over for this semester. It will pick back up in January.

GMS flagpole doors are open

To order a GMS Yearbook visit:
enter this code: 90626Y
The cost before 12/31 is $25/ea.

Bundt Cakes are delayed until tomorrow

Flagpole doors are open
Today is the last day to pay for movies and library fines

To order a GMS Yearbook visit: inter-state.com/order and enter this code: 90626Y. The cost
before 12/31 is $25/ea. The cost will increase in January.

We will be at GMS tonight & tomorrow night until 7 pm to pick up Gift Cards. If you want us to send how with your child please email.
We sent home current (as of 12/6) balance invoices includes payments + fundraising. We have one more fundraiser in January - Household Goods.

Gift certificate orders are ready for pick up tomorrow. When you pick up make sure your order is correct because these are considered cash and we cannot make corrections after you leave. If you want us to send the order home with your child, you will need to email Mrs. Herbert.

The deadline for the fundraiser was today. Please reach out ASAP if you are planning on turning in late orders. Please also check with your child to make sure that they turned in orders as we have had a few situations lately, where students never turned in the orders :)

Reminder the gift certificate fundraiser money and order forms are due to GMS tomorrow, Tuesday, December 2

As a precaution and timing of the first incoming winter weather advisory of the season, all Lawrenceburg Community School Corporation after school activities are cancelled for this evening; Thursday, November 21, 2024.

DC popcorn and apparel fundraiser is ready for pick up at GMS. We will have somebody in the Commons until 630. Please email if you're not going to be able to come tonight so we are not waiting.
If you are at the concert, see Mrs Herbert to get your items.

Great news the popcorn and apparel fundraiser is ready for pick up anytime between now and 6 PM at GMS commons!

Flagpole Doors Open

Happy Veterans Day. Honoring Veterans on this day. Thank you for your sacrifices to keep us safe and free. #LawrenceburgLegacy